No more apologies, no more, no more apologi-i-ies,
I'm too tired, I'm so sick and tired,
And I'm feeling very sick and ill today ...

The Smiths, 'What Difference Does It Make?'

I am chattering and overheating with stress at the moment.

In other news: playing Go is definitely not a good way for me to relax. Just beat Chris Gorham by 13.5 moku, but now I am completely rigid and heavy-headed, and I feel like I'm about to snap from tension. Still, a satisfying win in a closely fought match. The stress, of course, may possibly have something to do with the fact that my first and hardest exam is on Thursday morning, less than two days away. I'm feeling reasonably confident about it, but it's still a bit backs-against-the-wallish. I hate these times of year. Oh well, at least I can always take guilty consolation from the fact that some people are in more trouble than I am.

I wonder if listening to Just Like Heaven on repeat for half an hour and then working out the melody on guitar makes one a bit of a sap. I hope not. It's a beautiful song though, definitely my high point from the Cure gig last year and probably my favourite Cure song. A lot of people didn't like that concert, but I enjoyed it immensely. You can't expect people to hop on stage and play a backlog of their greatest hits when they've just written new music they're supposed to be proud of. Anyone who says otherwise is a teenybopper. I should get a ticket to see Gomez when they come to town in a couple of months, it's been too long since I saw a decent band play live.

Apparently 13, 000, 000 or so Australians identified as Christian in the recent national census. I find that a little peculiar.

Various people have convinced me I should go to Terracon. I hope I enjoy myself: I went last year and didn't have fun in particular. Something about the atmosphere in the buildup for this year seems to be boding a little better, but only time will tell.


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