Hatless, I remove my bicycle clips ...
Philip Larkin, 'Church Going'

Something about that line resonates with me. Might be the hatlessness and the bicycle clips, or just the overall tone of awkwardness. Philip Larkin was a librarian from Hull, and my spiritual brother in misanthropy. I genuflect to his memory.

Today, I feel scungy, because I rushed myself out the door without showering. The modern concept of hygiene is more about illusion than actuality. People don't care if you actually wash your hands, provided you leave the bathroom shaking them as if to remove excess water. There is a lot to be said for fastidiousness, nevertheless overdoing it can be ill-advised. There are good reasons why fastidieux is the French word for tedious.

I'm currently hemming and hawing about whether I'll make it to UniSFA Karaoke this evening at the pub. Against it stand my manque d'argent, my ever-increasing workload and my previously noted uncleanliness. For it stands my burgeoning desire for release in the form of total public humiliation of the mutual variety. The balance is delicately poised, but if I don't get enough work done today it will certainly finish in the negative.

If I do go, I'm contemplating a performance of Cream's version of 'Born Under a Bad Sign'. The first verse:

Born under a bad sign, I been down since I began to crawl.
If it wasn't for bad luck, I wouldn't have no luck at all.

Seems apposite at the moment, not that I want to go into that pathetic self-pitying mode that afflicts so many university students at this time of semester. Sadness and struggle is nobler than sadness and stagnation.


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