Short update. Am playing way too much Tekken, even through a surprising amount of pain. Am sick of people who suck at everything importuning me with their presences. Am especially sick of such people making personal remarks about me that are both woefully ill-informed and offensive to boot in public places. Currently only barely resisting primal urges to excoriate the aforesaid. These people (well, this person now) are (is) near-universally disliked and otherwise at least despised, and also known to have thin skin. As a result they should avoid offending me. But I am restraining myself admirably at present.

Those of you who don't suck at everything, don't mind me.

On a gentler note, enjoyed playing some basketball this afternoon with friends. Although I was arguably the worst player there. But being a bit taller does give you the edge on a few rebounds.

MTGT: I am alone in displaying good judgement.
Me: (in total disbelief) Must ... add ... to web-log!


Coffee and TV

So give me coffee and TV, easily,
Seen so much I'm going blind and I'm braindead virtually,
Sociability, is hard enough enough for me,
Take me away from this big bad world and agree to marry me ...

Blur, 'Coffee and TV'

Watched a lot of terrible tube last night. Which has been a very rare occurrence in the recent past. Notes:

  • SBS is improving its soccer coverage this season. Cause for celebration? Not really, but I will probably continue to attend the ins and outs of the real, rather than the virtual (pokes Hattrick players) game.

  • Watched (part of) my second episode of 24. Thought process: Hmm, he's a maverick cop... (click!) Yes, Ed, the first line of 'Moby Dick' is 'Call me Ishmael' - I know that from reading Gary Larson (click!) He's bending the rules ... (click!) A diamond is a rhombus, you moron! Oh please, let me go on this show! I'll even split the $125,000 you'd gain from getting this question right with you ... (click!) But it's OK, it's like he has to bend the rules in order to deliver justice ... (click!) Oh ... my ... God! You got that wrong? There is no justice! Hmm, justice ... (click!) Wait, I feel sure I've seen this plotline somewhere before .... what's that girl doing in the trunk of that car? (turns off TV in disgust).

  • At which point I played guitar for half an hour.

  • The brat from The Osbournes reminds me of Comanski. The Osbournes reminds me of a steaming cesspool.

  • They occasionally censor words on The Osbournes. Given that every second word is a loud, uncensored 'Fuck!' (oh, how daring those American TV executives are) (muted apologies to my more sensitive readers, but this is in the 'interests of science' (euphemism)), one wonders what the censored words are. Probably 'Cunt!' or something (again, apologies to sensitive readers. 'Interests of science' (euphemism) and all that).

  • Des Mangan is a pervert, but I'm OK with that. I'm impressed by how much SBS is willing to let him get away with these days though.

  • It's ridiculous how many films the Spanish are willing to churn out with titles like Between Your Legs. Plotline: some kind of psychological thriller between people attending a Sex Addicts Anonymous self-help group. I lasted ten minutes before turning it off.

Mass Destruction

I didn't count on
Such mass destruction
When I saw you ...

Ed Kuepper, 'Mass Destruction'

I have pretty much established that I hate praise. However, I also hate criticism. Let's see - perhaps what I really hate is people talking about my personal characteristics in my presence. It's rude. Of course, I make remarks about other people all the time, but you plebs can't expect me to hold back from doing that. Yes, that's you plebs.

Starting to sound like old Edward Estlyn Cummings (ha! I capitalised it, you old affected dead fool). Random Cummings quote (I think from the dedication to one of his collections):

'You and I are not like mostpeople. You and I have less in common with mostpeople than with the squarerootofminusone. Mostpeople are snobs.'

What a fool.

Life's tone can change so rapidly.

I'm gazing out over an inky black plain, its surface as vague as the veil on a silent bride, neither solid nor ephemeral but something in between that hints at both. Multicoloured spears of light strike out of a chasm that extends north and south transverse to the motion of a distorted moon. Hidden power must lie beneath, but my vantage point does not permit investigation. The planks upon which I sit seem to be rotting away in real-time, and the dark waters tempt awfully. I hear the slither of killer eels in the corner of my ear.

And then you're just watching TV again. How drab.

I'm Afraid of Americans

I used the word 'trunk' to denote the boot of a car. Egad, I'm turning into an American.