  • I am arriving earlier and earlier to university at the moment, and yet no matter how early I arrive there is always a configuration of the same droogs occupying UCC right at the time I wish to check my mail and browse the now-obligatory web-logs. On cobbler Rob is typically mudding and playing stupid Star Wars fan-songs. On cybium some fresher (usually one of the annoying ones - you probably don't know who you are, but suspect the worst if you're reading this) is playing Morrowind, Neverwinter Nights (or is that with a 'k'?), or Warcraft III. And even nautilus is usually taken by either a whole gaggle of (by default, annoying) freshers playing Airburst (stupid game) or EV Nova (less stupid but more time-intensive). I find the daily repetition of this phenomenon rather (as in very) aggravating.

  • The angst present in Pam's LiveJournal is apparently mainly due to her feeling a bit flooded by university commitments. Lazy vache.

  • I am buying tickets to Guatemala (or perhaps Istanbul) after that last note.

  • Rae has already been sick and been stressed this semester, despite repeated injunctions to the contrary from Elizabeth.

  • The National IQ Test was a blatant crock, despite the fact I did rather well. Moreover the statistical significance of the results sent to the program organisers must be close to null.

  • I am not embarking on a life of crime, whatever impressions may have been received from my last update. Not having qualms about committing crimes doesn't mean I don't have qualms about the potential consequences. Ah, morality based on fear. And they said deterrent sentences didn't work (and they were right).


Criminal Instincts

Well I saw you standing smoking counting stolen change,
Don't someone have the guts to complain?
You said 'Superman, I'm a big fan but let's get something straight,
don't have the guts to complain!'
Suede, 'Together'

Went on an FAL mini-run yesterday to restock UnISFA's fridge (amongst other things). Shoplifted a Twix. Realised (once again) that I don't seem to have as many qualms about committing crimes as most people. Clearly flogging a loose chocolate bar from a wholesaler doesn't top most league ladders of sin, but I feel sure I'd do much worse things if I only thought I could get away with them.

The existence of massive insurance conglomerates in our society dramatically multiplies the number of crimes that are essentially victimless. Robbing banks, for example. You don't think that taking that money would really hurt anyone, do you? The bank is insured against theft, and has paid an insurance company money that has been carefully balanced against the probability that you (or any other enterprising iconoclast) will attempt to take their satchels of cash. Even supposing a massive (say tenfold) increase in the number of bank robberies, we're at most talking about a slight reduction in the five million dollar performance bonus paid to some corpulent, halfwitted insurance company chief. The only risk is that you'll inadvertently permanently traumatise an innocent bank teller by thrusting the gleaming tip of a Desert Eagle up their left nostril. Sounds fun, eh? And just think, you could be on the plane to Guatemala with your ill-gotten gains within a couple of hours.



Ow. I have an unpleasant headache. Saturday was highly uneventful, mainly because I spent the entirety of yesterday minding my little brother, with both parents in absentia. Near-thanklessly, I might add. This included having a brain-numbing twenty-minute conversation with his Shimbo (some martial art or other) instructor when his class was locked out. Pity me.

I note the previous post gives the impression that I had a rather bad time at the pub on Friday. Well, that'd be quite accurate then. No particular reason though, I just had an off night.

Have fiddled around with a couple of the links on the right. I've added links to Pamela's and Elizabeth's LiveJournals, because otherwise I wouldn't read them.

Am currently reading Faulkner's As I Lay Dying which is packed with nuggets of salty Southern wisdom. Have had the obligatory conversation about that damnable plagiarist Graham Swift with sister. Noticed today that Rae has basically stopped updating her blog (how I hate that word) and moved everything over to her LiveJournal. Read ten posts I hadn't seen, concluded that she had been in a changeable mood. Nothing new then (I should probably go about ducking for the next couple of days now). Likewise Pamela's, which I hadn't been reading because (since it wasn't linked from this page) I had forgotten it existed. Quite prolific, Pam.

Contemplating making a list of the people I know with alliterative adjectives included: thinking better of it. Restraint is the better part of inspiration.