- I am arriving earlier and earlier to university at the moment, and yet no matter how early I arrive there is always a configuration of the same droogs occupying UCC right at the time I wish to check my mail and browse the now-obligatory web-logs. On cobbler Rob is typically mudding and playing stupid Star Wars fan-songs. On cybium some fresher (usually one of the annoying ones - you probably don't know who you are, but suspect the worst if you're reading this) is playing Morrowind, Neverwinter Nights (or is that with a 'k'?), or Warcraft III. And even nautilus is usually taken by either a whole gaggle of (by default, annoying) freshers playing Airburst (stupid game) or EV Nova (less stupid but more time-intensive). I find the daily repetition of this phenomenon rather (as in very) aggravating.
- The angst present in Pam's LiveJournal is apparently mainly due to her feeling a bit flooded by university commitments. Lazy vache.
- I am buying tickets to Guatemala (or perhaps Istanbul) after that last note.
- Rae has already been sick and been stressed this semester, despite repeated injunctions to the contrary from Elizabeth.
- The National IQ Test was a blatant crock, despite the fact I did rather well. Moreover the statistical significance of the results sent to the program organisers must be close to null.
- I am not embarking on a life of crime, whatever impressions may have been received from my last update. Not having qualms about committing crimes doesn't mean I don't have qualms about the potential consequences. Ah, morality based on fear. And they said deterrent sentences didn't work (and they were right).