Towards Heaven

Up for air to swim against the tide,
Up toward the sky - it's a blue sky.

U2, 'Indian Summer Sky'

I've returned to spray more fragments of reality across the ether. What to write? So many things have happened to me since my last visit, I don't know where to start. I'll try cast a few shafts of light over my murky existence if time permits.

Have you ever known a song to embed itself in you? There's a particular song circulating in my bloodstream at the moment, making my heart pump and my mind wander. I've had it playing over the static non-stop for the last two days, commandeering my senses in every tranquil moment. Today during my lunch break I walked for twenty minutes just to listen to it three times. When I rest, it's gently moulding me. When I plunge through a wave at the beach, every bubble that passes my ears calls it out to me. It feels beautiful, like flight towards heaven. Maybe it won't last, but it will reverberate for a long while, and there will always be other songs.


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